from “Four Concretures”
chog an experience in eppy set: {x},{x} smeers to {yyyyyy}, concresscing, cryssle (CR) to cemend (CM). i positt a numbmur (n), it hings
from “Home Movies”
I’d like the work I do to matter somehow, which is all the proof I need that it doesn’t.
from “We Made it to School Alive”
& that someone asked the blushed face father will he see him again & he said absolutely absolutely & I thought we are the same
from “Say in the end”
Each center describes what happens in another center
I’m not a cynic, I’m here
from “Slow Violence”
as melt, magnolia, test cricket, and breath
manta, sway, Cairngorms, slow spinning
from “Ordinary Entanglement”
paper cranes on the mantel hampered
by symbolic nature but why not
be more is it justice to want and want
Two Poems from “Impersonal Rainbow & The Bisexual Purge”
You make up
the better part
of an expression
to What are you susceptible by description
the there there, when it repeats
from “An Extremely Well-Funded Study of Doors”
Consider this pamphlet a set of buyer’s notes, a thorough investigation under the orders of academizing burglars. The question you must then ask yourself is: is the nicest door a door one can buy, a door one must take, or a door one must build?
from “The Motherwell Sonnets”
“An Elemental Rust,” says Dickinson. I grew it on the inside of a can. A rustling effect. A chandelier. A .22. Its cartridges. A bit of window screen patching a screen and a dried bee. A contact lens.
Two Poems from “Personal Problem”
Heard you pulled a twenty dollar bill out of an Ohio sunset. Heard you do it every night.
from “Teeter”
Sideline aside, talk just to say, speak just to hey, sound just to chorus. Take long sustain sounds, remove the attack & decay to assemble tones. Lower & raise pitch, make the levels consistent, string together a long-ass DRONE.
Two Poems from “House Hunters International :: Sonnets”
I always wonder what it feels like
to be wrong
to have a pool
I want to do that again
“Submission Fees”
To be miraculous is not about having the best of luck.
To be miraculous is about having enough wealth to buy the fortune.
And you know what they say about money and poetry. But I fold the cranes.
Two Poems from “Bedroom Vowel”
you said you saw my finger twitch
saw me press my pelvis to the archive
but on the other hand you believe
that we awaken out of nothing