The Night Side of Nature: On Robert Eggers’s “Nosferatu”
Compared to Stoker’s belief in the positive influence of the Enlightenment and traditional Christian faith, Eggers’s narrative is a darker meditation on modernity’s spiritual blindness.
Picture House: On Esther Kinsky’s “Seeing Further”
Kinsky maintains that film is a contact sport: not simply fingertips feeding celluloid through a projector (though this is detailed often and affectionately), but also eyes carrying images like palmfuls of water
Bone Deep: Surface and Substance in May/December
In rendering Natalie Portman's character, and her pleasure, so obviously deformed, the film makes her into a particularly monstrous figurehead for an ever wider cultural impulse to psychologize every aberrance, to assign exacting, demystifying vocabulary to all the ways in which a person can be hurt.
Shooting at Nothing: An Interview with Ander Monson
For his new memoir, Predator, Ander Monson watched the eponymous 1987 action flick 146 times.
The Impossibility of Critique: On "The French Dispatch" & May '68
Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch is a movie in vignettes, a whole that emerges through the sum of its parts.